Sunday, April 22, 2012

The origin of No,Thanks

There is strength in numbers. Particularly for writers who face constant and unremitting rejection of every sort. We banded together to talk, write, commiserate and laugh at the current publishing environment. What other business can get people to compete with each other to spend countless time and energy on preparation of a product, which will make the producer little or no money? If you look at it from a certain angle, it is brilliant. Machiavelli would be proud. But it is what it is, so there you have it. If you didn't laugh you would cry. The title of this blog comes from a particularly succinct rejection one of us received that spawned a heated and yet ridiculous discussion of just what the agent meant by placing a comma in the middle of 'no' and 'thanks'. It became the catch phrase for all of the angst and humor of our little group and so seems a fitting title for this blog. Life is absurd so you might as well write about it.

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